/*see archive.js in same dir for source*/ /* Copyright(c)2008-2017 Internet Archive. Software license AGPL version 3. */ 'use strict'; var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } (function jquery_no_conflict($) { // convenient, no? Stateless function, global to all Play objects // eslint-disable-next-line no-console var log = location.host.substr(0, 4) !== 'www-' ? function () {} : console.log.bind(console); // class memnonic: Archive JS var AJS = function () { function AJS() { _classCallCheck(this, AJS); } _createClass(AJS, null, [{ key: 'tvAD', // NOTE: needs to stay in sync w/ archive.less /* global archive_analytics jwplayer */ /* eslint no-underscore-dangle: ["error", { "allow": ["_modal_add"] }] */ value: function tvAD(elm) { var in_show = $(elm).parents('.shows'); var id = void 0; var chan = void 0; var show = void 0; if (in_show.length) { // see if we've already gotten and displayed the "Air date" section... var opened = $(elm).parent().find('.shows'); if (opened.length) { // ... yes, simply close/open it opened.toggle(); return false; } chan = in_show.attr('data-chan'); show = $(elm).text(); } else { chan = $(elm).text(); id = 'menu-chan-'.concat(chan); var div = $('#' + id); if (div.length) { div.toggle(); return false; } } var url = location.href + '?channel=' + chan; if (in_show.length) url += '&program='.concat(encodeURIComponent(show)); log(url); $.get(url, function (htm) { if (in_show.length) { $(elm).parent().append('
Air date
' + htm + '
'); } else { $(elm).parent().append('


' + htm + '
'); } }); return false; } // NOTE: needs to stay in sync w/ archive.less }, { key: 'nav_tophat_setup', value: function nav_tophat_setup() { if (!$('#nav-tophat').length) return; if (AJS.isTouchDevice()) $('body').addClass('touch');else AJS.logoText // TV items, TV top page, and TV 9/11 grid pages have top position:fixed div elements. // So, they arent compatible yet w/ the "nav tophat". ();if ($('body').hasClass('nav-tophat-over')) { var navHT = false; var styles = { '#nav-tophat': '', '.navbar': '' }; $('#nav-tophat').on('show.bs.collapse', function () { // save out any current style="..." attr in each element we gonna adjust to open nav // tophat so that we can revert back when nav tophat closes if (navHT === false) { // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (var i in styles) { styles[i] = $(i).attr('style'); } } var tmp = $('#nav-tophat').css({ position: 'fixed', width: '100%', 'z-index': 10000001, top: 0 }).outerHeight(); if (navHT === false) navHT = tmp; $('.navbar').css({ position: 'fixed', width: '100%', 'z-index': 10000000, top: 0, 'padding-top': navHT }); }).on('hide.bs.collapse', function () { $('.navbar').css({ 'padding-top': 0 }); }).on('hidden.bs.collapse', function () { // revert each element's style attr // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (var i in styles) { $(i).attr('style', typeof styles[i] === 'undefined' ? '' : styles[i]); } }); } $('#nav-tophat').on('show.bs.collapse', function () { return $('#navwrap1').addClass('hatted'); }).on('hide.bs.collapse', function () { return $('#navwrap1').removeClass('hatted'); }); $('.navbar a.navia-link').on('click', function navhat_click(evt) { // are we in "mobile nav / xs width" mode? var xs = !$('#nav-tophat-helper:visible').length; var hat_open = $('#nav-tophat').hasClass('in'); var navlink = this; // determine mediatype from either: (1) user hit text or (2) user hit icon var mt = $(evt.target).attr('data-top-kind') || $(evt.currentTarget).attr('data-top-kind'); var isnow = $('.navbar .dropdown-ia.hatted a').attr('data-top-kind'); if (!(xs && hat_open && isnow !== mt)) { // show the links for mediatype clicked $('.toprow').hide(); $('.toprow.' + mt).show(); } if (!hat_open) { $('#nav-tophat').collapse('show' // .. top hat is *not* open. clicked, so open tophat );if (AJS.tophat_dont_count_first_open) { delete AJS.tophat_dont_count_first_open; } else if (typeof archive_analytics !== 'undefined') { // log that a user has opened the nav tophat, yayz archive_analytics.send_ping({ service: 'ao_2', kind: 'event', ec: 'page_action', ea: 'nav_tophat_galactica', el: location.pathname, cache_bust: Math.random() }); } } if (typeof isnow !== 'undefined') log('isnow', isnow); log('shouldB', mt); if (isnow === mt) { // 2nd click on same mediatype dropdown -- close tophat! $('#nav-tophat').collapse('hide'); return false; } if (xs && hat_open && isnow !== mt) { // Mobile/xs nav and user has clicked on *another* nav/MT icon. // So we want to (animate) close the tophat, and when closed, // reopen (animate) to the right open tophat -- this is because // mobile/xs makes the tophat heights much more arbitrary // and it looks weird hard jumping to other open area at another height! $('#nav-tophat').one('hidden.bs.collapse', function () { setTimeout(function () { return $(navlink).click(); }, 100); }); $('#nav-tophat').collapse('hide'); return false; } $('.navbar .dropdown-ia').removeClass('hatted').has('.' + mt).addClass('hatted'); $('#nav-tophat').on('hidden.bs.collapse', function () { return $('.navbar .dropdown-ia').removeClass('hatted'); } // any click makes tophat hide... );$(document).one('click.tophat.nixer', function (event) { var $e = $(event.target // log($e) );if ($e.attr('id') === 'nav-wb-url') return; // ... except clicking on wayback machine form input if ($e.is('a')) return; // ... except clicking on a link if ($e.hasClass('item-img') || $e.hasClass('item-ia')) return; // NOTE: if not open, we wont hide $('#nav-tophat.in').collapse('hide'); }); return false; }); } }, { key: 'isTouchDevice', value: function isTouchDevice() { return 'ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch; } }, { key: 'footer', value: function footer() { if (!AJS.isTouchDevice() && typeof $.fn.tooltip !== 'undefined') { $('.navbar [data-toggle="tooltip"], .container-ia [data-toggle="tooltip"], #nav-tray [data-toggle="tooltip"], #cols [data-toggle="tooltip"], #tvbanner [data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({} // $('body').addClass('glyphs-as-text') ); } } }, { key: 'wrapdark_watcher', value: function wrapdark_watcher() { // no longer needed/used but has some handy techniques... if (!AJS.$sharedown) { AJS.$sharedown = $('#sharedown'); AJS.$wrapdark = $('#wrapdark'); } // every second, sigh, check/adjust for the wrapdark height if (!AJS.wrapdark_watcher_ptr) AJS.wrapdark_watcher_ptr = setInterval(AJS.wrapdark_watcher, 1000); if (!AJS.$sharedown.length || !AJS.$wrapdark.length) { clearInterval(AJS.wrapdark_watcher_ptr); return; } var wrapdarkHT = AJS.$sharedown.offset().top + AJS.$sharedown.find('.panel-heading').innerHeight(); if (parseInt(AJS.$wrapdark.css('height'), 10) !== wrapdarkHT) { AJS.$wrapdark.css({ height: wrapdarkHT }).show(); log(' WRAPDARK-ED to ', wrapdarkHT); } } }, { key: 'flash_click', value: function flash_click(flashy) { $.cookie('avpref2', flashy ? null : 'flash', { path: '/' }); window.top.location.href = location.href; return false; } }, { key: 'mute_click', value: function mute_click() { var mutedNOW = !$.cookie('unmute'); if (this.emulator) { this.emulator.setMute(!mutedNOW); } else { var player = jwplayer('jw6'); if (player) { var volnow = player.getVolume(); if (volnow) { AJS.mute_click_prior_volume = volnow; player.setVolume(0); } else { player.setVolume(typeof AJS.mute_click_prior_volume === 'undefined' ? 100 : AJS.mute_click_prior_volume); } } } $('#theatre-ia .iconochive-mute, #theatre-ia .iconochive-unmute').toggle(); if (mutedNOW) { // sounds is off. make it loud $.cookie('unmute', 1, { path: '/details', expires: 30 }); } else { // sounds is on. mute it! $.cookie('unmute', null, { path: '/details' }); } return false; } }, { key: 'emulate_setup', value: function emulate_setup(game) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign game.toString = function () { return game.path; }; AJS.emulator = new IALoader($('#canvas').get(0), game, null, game.scale ? parseFloat(game.scale) : 1, game.module.indexOf('dosbox') === 0 ? '/images/dosbox.png' : '/images/mame.png'); $('#theatre-ia .iconochive-unmute, #theatre-ia .iconochive-mute').hide(); if ($.cookie('unmute')) $('#theatre-ia .iconochive-unmute').show();else $('#theatre-ia .iconochive-mute').show(); AJS.theatre_controls_position(); $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function () { clearTimeout(AJS.theatre_controls_position_throttler); AJS.theatre_controls_position_throttler = setTimeout(AJS.theatre_controls_position, 250); }); } }, { key: 'emulate', value: function emulate() { /* global canvas IALoader DOSBOX JSMESS Module */ // move the virtual keyboard thing and give it a "go away!" button $('.ui-keyboard').prepend('\n ').appendTo($('#emulate .posrel')).addClass('showing'); $('#jsmessSS').fadeOut('slow'); $('#canvasholder').css('visibility', 'visible'); AJS.emulator.start // setup the theatre-ia fullscreen button ();var EM = JSMESS || DOSBOX || false; if (EM && (canvas.webkitRequestFullScreen || canvas.mozRequestFullScreen || canvas.requestFullScreen)) { $('#gofullscreen').on('click', function () { return Module.requestFullScreen(1, 0); } /**/);if ('onfullscreenchange' in document) document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', EM.fullScreenChangeHandler);else if ('onmozfullscreenchange' in document) document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', EM.fullScreenChangeHandler);else if ('onwebkitfullscreenchange' in document) document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', EM.fullScreenChangeHandler); } // resize embeds to "vertically center" if ($('body').hasClass('embedded')) { var embed_vert_center = function embed_vert_center() { var blackness = $('body').height() - $('body.embedded #emulate').height(); if (blackness > 1) { // log('blackness', blackness) $('body.embedded #emulate').css('margin-top', blackness / 2); } }; setTimeout(embed_vert_center, 5000); setTimeout(embed_vert_center, 10000); setTimeout(embed_vert_center, 20000); } setTimeout(AJS.theatre_controls_position, 100); setTimeout(AJS.theatre_controls_position, 500); setTimeout(AJS.theatre_controls_position, 3000); setTimeout(AJS.theatre_controls_position, 10000); return false; } }, { key: 'theatre_controls_position', value: function theatre_controls_position($selectorIn, pegTop, widthIn, heightIn) { // We have lots of callers! video, software, texts. // So sort out our args and where we gonna "peg"/glue things to... var $selector = $selectorIn; var video = heightIn && !$selectorIn; if (!video) { if (!$selectorIn) $selector = $('#canvas' // software emulation );if (!$selector.length) return; // protect against emulated embeds and undef... } var height = video ? heightIn : $selector.height(); var width = video ? widthIn : $selector.width(); if (!video && typeof pegTop !== 'undefined') $('#theatre-controls').offset({ top: pegTop } // Subtract out the width of the controls to get total amount of black pixels // to the right of the theatre object. // We want to position the controls in the middle of the dark pixels / right gutter! );var right_gutter_width = Math.round(($('#theatre-ia-wrap').width() - $('#theatre-controls').width() - width) / 2); log('width', width); log('right_gutter_width', right_gutter_width); $('#theatre-controls').css({ height: height, visibility: 'visible', right: Math.max(20, right_gutter_width / 2) }); } }, { key: 'booksize', value: function booksize() { if (!$('#texty').length) return; // Lendable books have a dialog in iframe, and use a different book sizing if ($('#texty').hasClass('lendable-book')) { var $textyiframe = $('#texty iframe'); var initialHeight = $textyiframe.height(); var lendableBooksize = function lendableBooksize() { var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var windowHeight = $(window).height // These constants were chosen to be responsive on both axis // The values were "eyeballed" with regard to the lending dialogs. // Note: The goal is to ensure metadata below the book is visible ();if (windowWidth > 1100 && windowHeight > 820) { $textyiframe.css('height', 620); } else if (windowWidth > 800 && windowHeight > 689) { $textyiframe.css('height', 489); } else if (windowWidth > 800 && windowHeight <= 689) { $textyiframe.css('height', 389); } else { // The loan ui resizes vertically, so 0.75 is just good ratio visually $textyiframe.css('height', initialHeight * 0.75); } }; $(window).on('resize orientationchange', lendableBooksize); lendableBooksize // Change the bg on archive.org details page ();var changeBgColor = function changeBgColor() { var $contentDom = $($textyiframe.get(0).contentDocument); var $match = $contentDom.find('#BookReader'); if ($match.length > 0) { $contentDom.find('body, #BookReader').css('background-color', 'transparent'); return true; } return false; }; if (!changeBgColor()) { var bgColorInterval = setInterval(function () { if (changeBgColor()) clearInterval(bgColorInterval); }, 200); } return; } if (!AJS.booksize_watching) { AJS.booksize_watching = true; $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function () { clearTimeout(AJS.booksize_throttler); AJS.booksize_throttler = setTimeout(AJS.booksize, 250); }); } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_size // Traditional book sizes/formats used in English-speaking countries. // Based on the 19"×24" printing paper size var aspect = (19 + 19) / 24; // ~1.6 var metadataHeight = 100; // metadata peekaboo min height! var maxH = $(window).height() - $('#texty').offset().top - metadataHeight; var maxW = $('#texty').width(); log('max rect avail', maxW, 'x', maxH); var vidW = maxW; var vidH = maxH; for (vidW = maxW; vidW >= 180; vidW--) { vidH = Math.round(vidW / aspect); if (vidH <= maxH) break; } log('fitting into rect', vidW, 'x', vidH // We want to vertically "center" books that are "very short" that // would otherwise be shorter than the new "minimum height" requirements // for the theatre );var minH = parseInt($('#theatre-ia-wrap').css('min-height'), 10); var padTop = minH > vidH ? Math.round((minH - vidH) / 2) : 0; $('#texty').css({ 'padding-top': padTop } // position bookreader vertically );$('#texty iframe').css({ width: vidW, height: vidH } // resize bookreader );setTimeout(function () { return !AJS.booksize_controls_hidden && AJS.booksize_controls(); }, 500); setTimeout(function () { return !AJS.booksize_controls_hidden && AJS.booksize_controls(); }, 750); setTimeout(function () { return !AJS.booksize_controls_hidden && AJS.booksize_controls(); }, 1000); setTimeout(function () { return !AJS.booksize_controls_hidden && AJS.booksize_controls(); }, 5000); setTimeout(function () { return !AJS.booksize_controls_hidden && AJS.booksize_controls(); }, 10000); } // Hides the book controls, per david! // Also positions the "theatre controls" }, { key: 'booksize_controls', value: function booksize_controls() { var $iframe = $('iframe:first'); if (!$iframe.length) return; var $iframeDOM = $($iframe.get(0).contentDocument); if (!$iframeDOM.length) return; if (!AJS.booksize_controls_hidden) { if (!$iframeDOM.find('#BRnav').length) { log('BOOK NOT READY YET'); return; } if ($iframeDOM.find('#BRtwopageview').length > 0) { // Only hide nav in 2up. Show it in 1up $iframeDOM.find('#BRnav').hide(); } AJS.booksize_controls_hidden = true; $('#texty iframe').css('visibility', 'visible'); log('BOOK CONTROLS HIDDEN!'); } $iframeDOM.find('body, #BookReader').css('background-color', 'transparent' // now position the theatre controls );var $book = $iframeDOM.find('#BRtwopageview, #BRpageview' // find out how much vertical black padding the bookreader put in *OVER* the book, // inside the iframe );var bookPadTop = $book.offset().top; // slide the iframe "up" that amount so that we get the wanted/intended standard // black padding above the book (~30px) and not more! log('bookPadTop: ', bookPadTop); if (bookPadTop > 1) $iframe.css({ 'margin-top': -1 * bookPadTop, 'margin-bottom': -1 * bookPadTop });else $iframe.css({ 'margin-top': '', 'margin-bottom': '' } // compute where the logical top point should be for the book and for the controls // (which is comparable to A/V items) );var $navbar = $('.navbar' // NOTE: we *do* check the nav top (almost always 0!) for rare cases we have a banner // *ABOVE* the navbar, eg: EOY donate banner campaign (which is above the nav)! );var pegTop = $navbar.offset().top + $navbar.height() + parseInt($('#theatre-ia').css('padding-top'), 10); AJS.theatre_controls_position($book, pegTop); log('book top', $iframe.offset().top + $book.offset().top, ' -v- pegTop', pegTop // and now dont overflow negative margin-bottom blackness into metadata section );$('#theatre-ia').css({ overflow: 'hidden' }); } }, { key: 'popcornsize', value: function popcornsize() { var resizer = function resizer() { var metadataHeight = 100; // metadata peekaboo min height! var maxH = $(window).height() - $('iframe:first').offset().top - metadataHeight; var maxW = $('#theatre-ia .row').outerWidth // make max height at most 16x9 ratio (43px is the popcorn controls height) ();var WH = { width: maxW, height: Math.min(maxH, maxW * 9 / 16 + 43) }; log('popcorn resize: ', WH); $('iframe:first').css(WH // resize popcorn ); }; resizer // page load event is now ();$(window).on('resize orientationchange', function () { clearTimeout(AJS.popcorn_throttler); AJS.popcorn_throttler = setTimeout(resizer, 250); }); } }, { key: 'pause', value: function pause() { var id = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'jw6'; var jw = jwplayer(id); if (jw && jw.config && jw.getState() === 'PLAYING') jw.pause(); } }, { key: 'morf', value: function morf(lnk, switchToA2Z) { // MORe Facets var href = $(lnk).attr('href'); if (switchToA2Z && switchToA2Z[0] === '-') $.cookie(switchToA2Z.substr(1).concat('A2Z'), 1, { path: '/', expires: 1 });else if (switchToA2Z) $.cookie(switchToA2Z.concat('A2Z'), null, { path: '/', expires: 1 }); var props = { selectorID: 'morf-modal' }; var selector = '#' + props.selectorID; var contents = React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-dialog' }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-content' }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-header modal-header-std' }, React.createElement( 'button', { type: 'button', className: 'close', 'data-dismiss': 'modal', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }, React.createElement('span', { className: 'iconochive-remove-circle' }) ), React.createElement('h2', { className: 'modal-title' }) ), React.createElement('div', { className: 'modal-body', id: props.selectorID.concat('-body') }) ) ); if (!$(selector).length) $('body').prepend($('
' : ''; str += '\n\n ' + monthName + '\n\n
'; } // make header/a that shows/hides a hidden div after it with the page data if (day === undefined || day === '') skip_day = true; if (skip_day) { str += '
'; } else { str += '\n
\n \n ' + day + '\n \n
'; } // drop in the individual page links var offset = 1; var page = void 0; var pnum = void 0; for (var j = 0; j < pages.length; j++) { page = pages[j]; if (!page) // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue continue; if (offset > 0) offset = 1 - page; pnum = parseInt(page, 10) + offset; // left 0-pad to 4 digits as needed page = '0000'.concat(page); page = page.substr(page.length - 4, 4); var url = urlstart.concat(page, '.pdf'); str += '[' + pnum + '] '; } if (skip_day) str += '
';else str += '
'; lastyearmonth = yearmonth; } str += '
'; // replace the "pdfs" empty div with our hefty HTML $('#pdfs .replaced').html(str); } // for collection pages, [About] tab }, { key: 'grafs', value: function grafs() { var $grafs1 = $('#grafs1'); var $grafs2 = $('#grafs2'); if (!$grafs1.length) return; if (typeof $grafs1.attr('data-id') === 'undefined') return; var identifier = $grafs1.attr('data-id'); $grafs1.attr('data-id', null); log('loading grafs'); $grafs1.html('loading graph ').show(); $grafs2.html('loading graph ').show(); var tok = '

'; $.get('/details/'.concat(identifier, '&grafs=1&v=3'), function (htm) { var a = htm.split(tok); if (a.length >= 3) { $('#activity-reviewsN').html(a[1]).parents('.activity-box').show(); $('#activity-forumN ').html(a[2]).parents('.activity-box').show(); } if (a.length === 5) { $grafs1.html(tok + a[3]); $grafs2.html(tok + a[4]); } else { $grafs1.html('(graph data not available)'); $grafs2.html('(graph data not available)'); } }); } }, { key: 'quick_down', value: function quick_down(id, target) { var idsel = '#' + id; if (!$('.format-group.in').length) { // no set of files for a single format showing... yet! var format = $(target).text(); var $formatGroup = $(idsel).parents('.format-group'); $('.download-button').html(format.concat(' FILES')); $formatGroup.addClass('in' // hide the other summary formats (one-liner) clickables );$('.format-group:not(.in)').slideUp(); $(idsel).slideDown(); } else { // re-open all the summary formats (one-liner) clickables $('.format-group').slideDown(400 // close the open set of single files );setTimeout(function () { // ftw, thx for nothing jquery $('.format-group.in').removeClass('in'); $('.download-button').html('DOWNLOAD OPTIONS'); }, 400); $(idsel).slideUp(); } return false; } // parse a CGI arg }, { key: 'arg', value: function arg(theArgName, try_full) { var sArgs = try_full && location.search === '' ? location.href.slice(1).split('&') : location.search.slice(1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < sArgs.length; i++) { if (sArgs[i].slice(0, sArgs[i].indexOf('=')) === theArgName) { var r = sArgs[i].slice(sArgs[i].indexOf('=') + 1); return r.length > 0 ? unescape(r).split(',') : ''; } } return ''; } }, { key: 'search_this_list', value: function search_this_list() { var urlIn = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; var form = arguments[1]; var url = urlIn; if (urlIn.trim() === '') { // take the page's current url, minus any hash var searchlist_submit_re = new RegExp(location.hash.concat('$')); url = location.href.replace(searchlist_submit_re, ''); } // remove any infinite scroll "&page=N" arg url = url.replace(/&page=\d+/, ''); var query = $(form).find('.searchlist').val(); if (query !== '') url += (location.search === '' ? '?' : '&').concat('and[]=', query // add back in any hash (eg: tab selected) );url += location.hash; location.href = url; return false; } // setup trigger on 1/2 second of hovering over the nav IA logo }, { key: 'logoText', value: function logoText() { var hideLogoText = function hideLogoText() { $('#internet-archive').fadeOut('slow', function () { $('#internet-archive').remove(); $('#exit-er').show(); }); }; var mousetimer = false; // axxx make sure when it opens on TAB, the about li is in the DOM *next* $('.navbar-nav:first').on('mouseenter focusin', function (evt) { // Only proceed if user is interacting with the logo elements. if (!$(evt.target).is('ul, .navbar-brand, .iconochive-logo, .logo-text-hider')) return; mousetimer = setTimeout(function () { if ($('#internet-archive').length) { hideLogoText(); return; } $('#exit-er').hide // (gets in the way of xs/mobile!) ();$('.navbar-nav:first').prepend( // flank the IA logo! $('\n